Sunday 14 February 2016

Coffee, Couscous and No Valentines

A surprise trip over the border with Jean and Françoise for a coffee. What a difference to wander around when there were few people in the streets and not to be distracted by the shops. It's amazing the things I'd never noticed before. Called into the bar for a glass of wine on my return. There was no sign of my "copines", the two Nicoles;  one had already left, the other had never turned up.
The first St Valentine's without Christian; not that we were into cards or presents but we acknowleged it with a nice meal. Had a quiet afternoon in before a couscous with Jean-Jacques, James and Beverley at Michel's. Michel played guitar, quite a bit of it melancholic. Well, he's without a Valentine too. Ah, well, won't dwell ...
16° cloudy in the morning, heavy rain, thunder and lightening in the afternoon.

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