Wednesday 10 February 2016

Feeding Friends

Went into town to meet Rowena for a coffee. Thank goodness for my trusty old ipod loaded with a good book which prevented me from eavesdropping on some rather loud English women. Of course, Rowena and I were far more discreet.
In the afternoon I set to and prepared dinner for eight of us. My goodness, its been a long time since I've entertained around the dining table on such a scale. Main course was pork and chorizo and I was delighted with the result. All plates were left clean.
Jean-Jacques kept the glasses topped up, Michèle and Henri recounted their adventures downunder, André sang in English, Nany was her usual kind self and David and Laura valiantly tried to keep up with the French. as you can see from the photo, Christian was with us too.  And me? I flammed the Christmas pudding that was heading towards its use by date and washed 32 glasses.
13°, sun and light rain in the evening

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