Wednesday 24 February 2016

Yet More Flowers

Teeth yesterday, hair today; spring is on the way! Had a lunch time invitation on a Japanese theme to Nick and Lizzie's along with Rod, Penny and Frank. Rod worked in Japan for a year; Nick and Lizzie's son is there now and they've recently been out to visit; Penny and Frank are interested in going at the time of the next Rugby World Cup. Why was I invited? You may well ask but as they say in Glasgow "she could get a piece at anyone's door"! Let me know if a translation is needed.
Anyway, it was a delicious, leisurely meal, full of interesting flavours and the time just sped by.
Finally made it to the flower making to find that that it was the tea break. Just an hour's work to finish off and then home for a quiet night to myself; well, that is once I'd downloaded the programme for tomorrow's workshop and looked out some photos for the slide show that we're going to create.
17°, sunshine

Coffee at the bar; more flower making followed by a trip to the dentist for a check up.
In the evening, I met up with Ann and Lynn for our "apérobio". Eve was on duty this evening as Nico, the chef is on holiday. Not as elaborate as we've become used to but tasty all the same. The football came on by the time that we'd finished so I beat a tactical retreat to the peace of the house.
16°, sunshine

Lunch with Hortense at the "Café de France";
Flower making;
Comité des Sages. What's that? I hear you ask. Sages = wise folk = a load of all fuddy duddies listening to what the Council has to say and then giving their two pence worth. It was only my first attendance so I await to see how it develops.
15°, damp start, cloud rain later

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