Friday 12 February 2016

Life's Rich Canvas

Last night's rain was gone this morning but even so the day didn't look too promising. Still, we of the association are a hardy lot; we congregated at 9h15 to head off over the border for a light-hearted pétanque contest. Luck was with us and the sun came out. There were even several storks that flew over head on their way north, adding to the enjoyment. The team that I was in, won it's first match but lost the second. It was all very easy going as we played while a JCB came ever closer flattening out the huge car parking area of the restaurant that was our pitch. It's the same place where I ate with the Spanish group a couple of weeks ago. While not being a brilliant player, thankfully, I didn't disgrace myself and went to lunch with head held high!
Did a quick shop in La Jonquera on the way through and had a short time at home before going to a vernissage of Arabic calligraphy. There were nowhere near as many people there as for James's. Sadly, I had to leave during the speeches so as not to be late for my dinner appointment with James and Beverley who had prepared a "churrascaria" (bbq meat) accompanied by grilled veg and four different sauces. Alan, Roger and Debra were there too so it was an all anglophone affair. Kindly James offered us  the choice of a print each and lucky old me got to choose one of his paintings from the exhibition as well for the help I gave him. Photo will appear later. Just going to have to do some serious rearranging if I'm to show them off.

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