Sunday 28 February 2016

Ever Hopeful

As the alarm went off at 7.15am, I woke up wondering if my social life was taking a down turn. I was off to the funeral of the owner of the big restaurant just over the border. Yes, even on a Sunday and nothing else on the agenda. I didn't really know him but Christian would have gone as part of the Mairie delegation, so I went in his place. José Maria was only 56. The weather suited the event and of course, being in Catalan, I didn't understand much apart from "esperanza" (hope) which cropped up several times, so this photo of a low lying rainbow  seems appropriate. Have to say that it was more impressive in reality but it was taken from inside the moving car.
Stopped in Figueres on the way back for coffee/hot chocolate and churros which were soooo good and just the thing for a chilly, wet and dismal day. We won't talk calories!
Stopped off at the bar and found blonde Nicole and we were later joined by Anne and the other Nicole. Feeling replete, it was no hardship to say "no" to lunch, opting instead for an orange at home and a quiet afternoon. Was looking forward to not going out again but it wasn't to be. Nany telephoned to invite me over for champagne to toast Michelle who had celebrated her birthday during the week. Jean-Jacques was invited too, so that was the lift sorted. The week ahead looks pretty quiet so tomorrow I'll treat myself to a long lie.
10°, strong winds, heavy rain

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