Friday 19 February 2016

All Pretty Routine

A trip to the supermarket with Ann who then invited me back for soup on the patio with her and Terry; more flower making; meal at "Les Abeilles" with the women's group.
Pleasant meal (forgot to take a photo) but there were only 6 of us then 4 of us went back to the bar for coffee. Not sure that it's going to work; cracks are appearing already.
12°, sunny spells

Language Exchange, soup at the bar, flower making, evening at home. Found this photo amusing. If you're wondering, I think the furniture must have been put out in readiness pour la collection of "les monstres". No, not Nessie look-alikes but cumbersome things to go to the rubbish tip.
12°, few sunny spells, cloud

Walk this morning in the village; flower making this afternoon; Dominique and Marylise for an apéritif this evening.
12°, sun

Coffee with Nicole at the bar. Spanish here this afternoon as our usual room wasn't available. As we're taking a mid-term break for 2 weeks, One of the participants brought a bottle of champagne to celebrate her husband's 80th birthday. Pity we didn't have it before as I might have been more fluent. Still, it put me in the mood for the apéritif that I prepared for Jean-Jacques
8°, Tramontane blowing at 100km/hr

Lie in, some clearing out in the cave and a late lunch.
10° sun back with the strong Tramontane blowing away the clouds

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