Saturday 13 February 2016

Do you know the Bishop of Norwich?

Had an early morning coffee with Jean-Jacques while he went through some legal papers with me. No, it's still not sorted. Decided not to go to the market even though the cloud had lifted. Called into the café and met Nicole and caught up briefly.
This evening our apérobio group plus men celebrated Ann's birthday with a lamb tajine made by a local woman, so no real work to be done; that is apart from a bit of decoration. Being an avid Norwich supporter, the dominant colour was yellow. Had yellow serviettes and ballons and waved our sparklers around to the perfume of mimosa in the background. Well, you're only 3 score and 10 once! One topic of discussion was port and the right way to pass it; yes, you've guessed it, we were all Brits and coincidently found a reference to the Bishop of Norwich. There's no indication whether he was a football fan or not.
A good time was had by all, especially those who didn't have to wash the 30 glasses that we'd made our way through.
18°, blue skies, rain overnight

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