Sunday 21 February 2016

Friends and Neighbours

Coffee as usual at the bar with both Nicoles then a delicious roast beef lunch with Françoise, Philippe and their daughter Clare. The flower was cut from their garden and given to me by Philippe.
After that it was off to Perpignan to the cinema to see "Hail, Ceasar"! Not really my cup of tea but it was good to do something different.
20°, cloudless, blue skies

Had a coffee in the bar while waiting for Michel to go to the market. Met up with Maggie for another one and was joined by chance by Françoise and then I fell across Hortense and Bridget on the terrace of one of the other cafés. Plenty of laughs which set me up for a tedious afternoon bent over the computer updating the association web site. Had a lot more laughs this evening round at Jacques who'd prepared a meal for his neighbours. What's more, I left bearing a lovely piece of lemon curd (homemade) tart which will be great for tea tomorrow afternoon.
17°, sun and blue skies

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