Wednesday 3 February 2016

Monkeying About!

Took a trip into town before meeting up with Danny and Brian to go over to Michel and Marylène's for lunch. Was surprised to find another couple (Rosemarie and Albert) and Christiane there too. All but myself are members of the same walking group. Albert is half Vietnamese so inevitably we talked about the "Chinese New Year" which next week brings in the year of the monkey, Christian's sign. I've just looked up monkeys and found that its best love match is the ox which is my sign! As for its personality, the "Wood" monkey is " always ready to help others; compassionate, with strong self-esteem, but stubborn." Well, there's no arguing with that!
On the menu was duck parmentier. Parmentier is the French equivalent of Sheperd's Pie though as in this case, can be made with any meat.
In the evening, it was my turn to entertain. Michel, Jean-Jacques and Daniel for an apéritif dinatoire.
17°, sun with wind later

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