Saturday 16 April 2016

Dream a Little Dream with Me ♫

Woke up at 7h30 from a very vivid dream and it's a rare occurrence for me to remember what I've dreamt but this time I did. So, settle down while I relate all.
Was in a pub where there were loads of actors and thought I must go back. I was going to a wedding wearing aquamarine earrings. One fell down the loo and an unknown woman fished it out for me. Was also wearing a cotton frock and realised that I was still wearing a long-sleeved vest underneath. Took it off but you could see my bra straps. Even though late, I went looking for M and S to buy a more suitable dress. Believed I was in Birmingham but the views were of  Stratford-upon-Avon with the river in full flood and I couldn't get across. Andy and Maureen happened by and gave me directions but they were for M and S in Glasgow. As I was running very late, we sat down to phone my boyfriend (don't know who) but he seemed to be having such a good time that he hadn't even noticed that I wasn't there! Instead he accused me of having gone looking for a secret child. Woke up. Thank goodness, says I. Interpretation on a postcard, please.
Back to reality: Eye still red and used an eye bath which helped. Throat still sore. Oh, woe is me! Lucky, I had a full day so no time to dwell.
Went to the market with Michel, Eugénie and Daniel after which I was invited to eat couscous with them. Had just an hour at home before we all went down to Collioure for a breath of sea air. While there, we stumbled across a vernissage complete with Basque bagpipe musical accompaniment.
Culture vultures that we are, one vernissage was not enough. The next one was a planned attendance in Argelès where books had been used to create the exhibits.
Finished the day with a welcome night in
20°, sun and light cloud

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