Friday 29 April 2016

A Grand Day Out

Not able to raise enough people for a bus, Martine, of the other association that I'm in,  organised car sharing  for a trip to Pezanas to the gardens of St Adrien. Made from a disused quarry and the fruition of the owner's boyhood dream, in 2013, they were voted the favourite gardens of the French for a tv programme. 
Can't describe how enthusiastic I was  so, it's better that I let the photos speak for me...... and the icing on the cake ... the weather gods were with us.  
The visit ended with a glass of wine or fruit juice served by the family. 
Lunch for the 12 of us was in a purpose built restaurant on a commercial estate so there was no charm but the food was fine (bull stew).
The day ended with a couple of hours to look around Pezanas a town with narrow streets befind medieval walls and well populated by Molière memorabilia, Brits and arts and craft shops.
22°, sunny

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