Tuesday 19 April 2016

Apéros and Admin

Appt at the lawyers went fine. Got off the bus one stop sooner to go and meet some new members of the association. We've now 332! All that talking made me thirst so I treated myself to a glass of wine sitting out in the sun until ater 1pm.
Took advantage of the fine weather in the aternoon to deal with some rather tall weeds then did some Association admin rather than deal with the tax papers.
Apérobio in the evening with among other things, some very imaginative uses of beetroot (leaf soup, stems in tempura batter and slices in a goat's cheese cream)! It was all delicious!
19° sun in a cloudless sky

Joined by Nicole P for coffee in the morning.
Trawled through bank statements ready for meeting with the lawyer's clerk tomorrow.
Fewer women at the "Café des Copines" but it went well with exercise I did, stimulated chat and quiet a bit of sharing.
17° Low cloud in the morning, lifting later. Feeling even cooler

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