Sunday 10 April 2016

Eating with Friends and Listening to Music

Gosh, did I have a good night's sleep last night and with no need to rush to get up, I felt much better than yesterday. Went to the bar and was surprised to get a wee gift of a shawl from Françoise, the general's wife, who was just back with the group of 45 association members that she took to Andalusia. She also invited me to lunch with Barbara and Olga whom you met on 22nd March's post. Still, before that there was coffee to drink and Anne, Yasmin and the two Nicole's to chat to.
Home from a very tasty lunch to have a rest for about an hour before going to a concert (flute and piano) in a nearby village with Nicole P and Yasmin. It was seriously beautiful with this piece just gut wrenching. The flautist had encouraged us to close our eyes and think of love but I couldnae; the lump in my throat was already verging on the difficult to control.
21° but feeling cooler in the wind, sunny

Had a lift into the market with David and Laura and for the second time went to collect a purse that I was having stitched and for the second time, it wasn't ready. Coffee with Henri and home with Nick. Actually cooked myself a risotto lunch. Now that is noteworthy.
This evening I walked over to Martine's for dinner with Diana and Robin who have just arrived for a few days and David and Laura who are off back to Scotland tomorrow. It was lovely having our apéros on the terrace but we retreated to the shelter of the house for the meal. Whether it was because I'd eaten too much or not had enough sleep but come 10.30 pm I was really tired and glad to have a lift back.
15° , sunny and windy

Well, I should have been going to Spain with Ann and Terry but man-flu was in the air. So, I made do with a coffee at the bar. Then in the afternoon, Ann suggested that I accompany her to Annette's for tea as I'd never seen her new house. Didn't quite make up for the shopping that we should have done and the lunch that we should have had but the walk in the sunshine was good. This photo was taken from the road on the way over.
Met up with Nicole P in the evening for a glass of rosé at the bar and ended up staying for a bite to eat too.
14°  cloudy start, sunshine and strong winds

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