Thursday 28 April 2016

Changing Weather, Changing Plans

28.4.16: Hither and Thither
Just had time to call into the Language Exchange and say "hello" before meeting Nicole to go to Figueres. It was chilly, and rain threatened so there weren't the usual crowds thronging the market. Bought some plants and had lunch at the "Ou d'or" which you'll know from previous posts is a regular of mine.
Of course, Dali is reputed to have eaten there. We, however, went for the food not because of him. If the photo looks strange it's beacause it's an etching on the ground reflected in a large stainless steel tube.
Nicole being a great tea fan, we stopped off on the way back for a cup of Earl Grey in, of all places, La Jonquera.
Sticking to an artistic theme, once back in the village, I met Henri and his cousin Annie to show her the exhibition space for a proposed show. Following that it was on to Jean-Jacques for an apéritif with he and his sister.
16° Rain, cloud, sunny spell at the end of the afternoon

27.4.16: Being Adaptable
Another change of plan. This time, I should have gone with Annie for some shopping and lunch into Spain but the road over the border was one long traffic jam so we went instead to Villefranche de Conflent, a lovely walled town, about an hour's drive. She'd suggested nearby Tourynia for lunch but the restaurant was closed. Still, it was a lovely wooded drive there and it worked up an appetite. So, back we went to the town and we were spoit for choice. Settled on the "Relais de Villefranche" where we were made welcome and ate well for a reasonable price 
On leaving the restaurant, who should we bump into but Nicole P from the village with her two grandchildren. Annie was amused as she said that earlier she'd been surprised that I hadn't met anyone. Just goes to show, there's no escape!
Stopped for a cuppa on the way back; I do miss a good traditional tearoom, don't you know. Hardly the end of the world though.
Feeling tired so luckily I was able to have a quiet night in.
16° Cloudy with a few sunny spells. Feeling damp

26.4.16: Not so Wicked Step Mother
Coffee with Hortense and then on to the lawyer's to sign the "Partage" so the kids can have their share of Christian's money now instead of waiting until I die.
Attended a Council meeting in the evening and went with Jean-Jacques to the bar afterwards for a glass of wine.
16°, cloudy

25.4.16: Best laid Plans
There should have been a guided visit to a nearby village but hardly anyone signed up. Of the four who did, one couldn't come at the last moment, one forgot and the other two of us are on the committee and I'd already done it. A long way of saying this morning's plans were cancelled. Nothing else to do but go to the bar for a coffee. Even cooked for myself for once - a stirfry, if you're remotely interested.
Later on, François and Jacqueline came by to chose the carnival photos that they want copies of and Nicole called later to discuss her latest email reply. Once done, we sipped martini and Tio Pepe and chatted about life!
28° sunny

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