Friday 1 April 2016

Fishy Tales

Kicked off the month with a busy day. It started  with Nicole and Anna at the door with some coloured cardboard fish. Asked to choose, I went for the red one which had "Poisson Coquelicot/Fish Poppy) written on the back. Are you confused? Curious? Not in the least interested?
So, for those of you in the first two groups ...... it's traditional in France, as well as trying to make people believe tall stories, to pin a fish on unsuspecting folk's backs. These tricks and stories (remember or maybe hearing about Richard Dimbleby's Spaghetti harvest April Fool in 1957?) are called "Poisson d'avril". There was a fish for every house in the street and they didn't go unnoticed. A bit of fun to brighten the day.
I was taken in by a report in the paper about a local restauranteur who fancies himself as a trend setter putting insects on the menu. Not true
While waiting for the bus, to go to Michèle and Henri's for lunch, the dentist drove by and offered me a lift. I got to meet Michèle's sister (Danièle) and brother in law (also Henri) and there was also fish on the menu. Coming back, however, I didn't have the same luck and had to shell out 1€ for the bus.
Had just over an hour at home before it was time to meet Nicole S to go back to town for Bridget's "private viewing" of her exhibition. Standing waiting for 15 minutes I felt as I did when I got a "dizzy" in Glasgow one time. Great expression, is it not? Didn't have a mobile phone then so I was left wondering; this time an answer was forthcoming. She hadn't turned up because she'd forgotten!
All was not lost. I went instead  to the vernissage in Christian's room in the Maison pour Tous and had an apéritif and nibbles. Yes, of course i looked at the paintings too. From there I went into the bar to hear Kevin, a good 60's/70's singer/guitarist record a promotional video. Resisted (easily) joining the table of Brits, prefering to sit chatting with Philippe, the association's only male committee member.
14° Sun, drizzle in the evening

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