Sunday 24 April 2016

Sant Jordi

Was in the square for 8.15am to help get organised for the village's Sant Jordi's day. No rain but it was really chilly and the wind was pretty strong. There were stalls, the story of Jordi/George and the dragon told by Jany, a story telling corner, colouring, music and a great percussion band from Figueres. Our bookstall made 350€ which will be given to the local primary and nursery schools. The wind was too strong to keep going longer than lunch time so I was able to linger over my meal at the bar in the company of Nicole P. After helping clear the square (amazing how people melt into thin air), I stayed on to have a cuppa with Lone and was then joined by France and Annie, making it about 4pm before I got myself home and out of my costume. By the way, I'm not as fat as I look; it's the layers of clothes doing a good job of keeping me warm.
Didn't have much time to rest though as Nicole S called and asked if I could go over to hers to talk through her response to an email that was troubling her. In need of clearing my head, I walked back and spent a quiet night in front of the telly.
16°, Sun and strong winds

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