Monday 4 April 2016

All Kinds of Weather

Met a prospective new Association member for coffee. She only moved into a neighbouring village two weeks ago and she's keen to get involved. Interesting woman of Iranian origin who grew up in India and then lived and worked in UK. Nicole P joined us later. She and I met up again this afternoon along with the other Nicole to go over to Anne's to look at possible medieval style costumes for the forthcoming fête de la Sant Jordi (St George's day - the Catalan one, not the English one). Stayed for a cuppa and admired the cherry blossom. Came home and caught up with the blog. Hey presto!
18° Sun but feeling chillier in the wind

Didn't get to sleep until 4.30am; heaven knows why. Didn't sleep in though so was on time for my usual coffee stop at the bar. Stayed on for an omelette lunch with Anne and Nicole S. Had just a short spell of time at home though instead of snoozing I wrote a very brief article about our street decorations for the local paper (which was published, by the way) before it was time to meet Nicole S to go to an early evening concert.  This time she arrived! Sat with Françoise to watch "Carmen in swing" performed  by an amateur group. I'll just say it was "original" and leave it at that. Came back to the house for another brief spell and then walked over to Maggie's for dinner; once again David and Laura were also around the table. Roast guinea fowl and pheasant were set before us and the veg were served from the hostess trolley, I'd given her. Thinking of it always puts me in mind of Victoria Wood's "Let's do it!" and I can't help laughing. Looking at the comments, it has the same effect on other people too!
Am anticipating a better night's sleep tonight, probably because of the wine.
22°, Chilly start, sun and light cloud

Went to the market with David and Laura and called in to see Bridget and  apologise for my "no show" last night. Met Françoise for a coffee and a catch up. Then this afternoon went to Collioure wth Nicole S though the chilly, humid weather rather spoilt the trip which a mediocre hot chocolate didn't make up for. I did buy a bag though and took this photo rather than one of the sea as on such a grey day the splash of colour was cheering. Spent a night in.

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