Saturday 23 April 2016

Happy Birthday, Will

Have had a sore throat for a few days which is feeling a bit better.
Went to the market and back with Jacques. As it was Sant Jordi (St George's day), there was Catalan music in the town. There are two Catalan language groups; one the original and one a breakaway. Don't know what the rift was about but they were kept apart. Sat and listened for a while with Hortense. Had a glass of wine at the bar back in the village before going home to track down something in the fridge for lunch.
Planted the plants, did some paperwork in the afternoon and kept away from the 400th Shakespeare celebrations.
18° Sun , dark cloud later.

21 of us set off to go over the border for a boules "competition". Luckily, the weather had perked up again and it was a rain free day. It was even sunny enough to sport a hat and not look daft.
As usual there was a good buffet meal and plenty of laughs. Yours truly was particularly useless. So, enough said.
19° Sun

What a change from yesterday weatherwise making my trip into town a bir dismal. Got back to the language exchange in time to catch the last 45 mins. As usual there was a drink at the bar followed by an omelette lunch.
Spent a couple of hours at the end of the afternoon helping to sort out books for the Association's stall on Sunday's Sant Jordi.
Jean-Jacques came round in the evening for an apéro.
17° rain, heavy at times

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