Friday 15 April 2016

Perpignan and Paperwork, Flowers and Friends

Woke with a very dry throat (thanks, Terry) and a red eye. The result of not having worn sunglasses yesterday? Did some paperwork; this time for the association. Had a drink at the bar with Jean-Jacques and then treated Martine to lunch at the restaurant.
Was it too much sun, the three course lunch or not enough sleep that brought on a 2 hour siesta? Whatever it was, it wasn't the wine as I only had 2 glasses.
Wandered down to the garden where a whole "hedge" of  iris were coming into flower. There were poppies too, plenty of weeds though also signs of cultivation. Linde's obviously been busy.
Weather: 19°, Sun

Christian (not mine, of course) called out of the blue for a coffee but I couldn't listen to his stories of his private cure in Georgia for long as I had to head off to the language exchange. There was time though for a rosé after the exchange and lunch with Nicole P, Terry and Ann. After lunch, I caught up with the other Nicole and the other  Anne for a walk. Lots of wild flowers, beautiful views and fresh air. Three hours and a lot of chat later, we arrived back at mine for tea. Tea was fiollowed by a glass of cava. Ended up chatting every bit as long as we walked.
Oh yes, Eddie and Myriam called round with a rather snazzy pack of pilsner beer as a thank you. Why beer? I'd joked the day before that if there wasn't any water we could drink beer!
21°, warm and sunny

Better sleep last night. Water off due to emergency work in the street.
This afternoon I had a trip into Perpignan with Anne J which provided an opportunity to spend a 40€ gift voucher that Christophe and Valérie gave me for last year's birthday. time is running out and the last twice I'd been, things were either too expensive or just uninteresting. My luck was in; spotted a tee-shirt with 30% off so with the voucher I only had to pay 8€ instead of 69€. Finished with tea and cake overlooking the Quai Vauban. Shame the weather was too iffy to sit out.
Arrived back to find the young couple (Eddie and Myriam) from down the street wondering what had happened to their water supply. As I'd been reconnected and they hadn't, they came up for a few bucketfuls. Nice to be able to say more than "hello".
Low cloudy start, sun, rain and feeling colder than the 18°

Don't know why but I had a disturbed night's sleep. Went into the bank and pleased to say that I came away with the required statements. Scampered around the supermarket, came home on the bus, stopped off at the bar to profit of some nice sitting-out weather and a glass of wine with  Jean-Jacques who joined me on his way by.
Spanish in the afternoon and there's two week's holiday to look forward to. On the walk over to Nicole P's for coffee, I couldn't resist snapping this splendid wisteria. Then it was
home to prepare a few bits and pieces for Jean-Jacques who was coming for an apéro afer his council meeting. Even though we'd chatted at lunch time, his meeting gave us a whole lot more material for discussion.
21° Sun and some wind

Basically a day of admin. Went into the lawyers, tried to get back copies of bank statements (don't ask!); tried to do a name change on a document and have to send off a number of papers; tried to change my complementary health care card to my new number so more papers to send. After lunch some Association work then bringing the blog up to date
21°, sunny, wind

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