Wednesday 6 March 2013

2nd Hand Ark Wanted

Breakfast was ok though nothing to write home about and it was still pouring with rain. Outside, the river was a raging torrent and just a few yards from the hotel, it had burst it's banks. We were finally able to leave at 1pm.
In the hope of finding a more special meal to make up for our disappointment yesterday we went down to a nice restaurant overlooking the river but yes, you've guessed it ........ it was closed for the holidays. Christian then had the bright idea of going to Can Xiquet where we'd eaten once before for his birthday. A really nice 4 star hotel with great views and it was open!!! The service was pleasant, nice table and glassware and more to the point really good food.
Called in to see Joséphine on the way home and had tea with her and her Mum who is here for a while before going home to Sicily.
Finally, the rain stopped but the ford near Joséphine's was impassable so we took the long way home to spend a quiet night in. In the end, it wasn't so quiet as Jean and Françoise turned up with a gift for Christian ad stayed for a couple of drinks.

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