Saturday 9 March 2013

It's All in the Preparation

Lovely sunshine, nice and warm and what could be better than a trip to the market not for the shopping but to meet up with friends and have a glass of wine on the terrace of a bar. For once we didn't get side-tracked into going out for lunch, going home instead to eat our cassoulet, a traditional dish of haricot beans, sausage and bits of pork. Very tasty but it fair sticks to yer ribs! Dread to think how many calories are in every mouthful.
This afternoon the rain came on again, something of a weather pattern is beginning to evolve. Sun in the morning, cloud and rain later on.
Later on, after Christian's siesta and I'd baked a cake for tomorrow (mocha cake squares*) we went over to see Gaby who's been in hospital and then onto Daniel and Maud's to collect things again for tomorrow. Stayed for apéritifs which was all very convivial but meant that I had to stay up late to prepare displays and other stuff, for yes, tomorrow. Bet you can't wait to find out what tomorrow will bring, can you?
*( Give them a go, they're pretty good)

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