Tuesday 19 March 2013

Not so Twinkle toes

As Christian is in need of a new pair of shoes that don't rub his little toe which is giving him grief, we finally found a day to go to Figueres. We also wanted somehing vaguely "piratey" for Saturday's forthcoming canival. Found two pairs of shoes, a couple of plastic swords, an eye patch and earring. Having worked up an appetite we went down to Garriguella and had a really good "menú del dia" at La Plaça then on the way home stopped off to replenish our cava stock. This photo was taken outside the cave in Capmany, the grinding stones are pretty impressive aren't they?
That was Tuesday. Wednesday, Juste and Michel came for lunch, a rather superior macaroni cheese (ie, with chorizo, onions and celery) and salad. Michel brought a rhubarb crumble so there was only one thing to do in the afternoon, yes, you've got it .... have a siesta.
In the evening I left Christian at home and went for the monthly apéritif with les anglaises. We had a lot of fun for 10€/head and Christian had a bowl of soup and the settee all to himself.

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