Friday 29 March 2013


On Sunday the weather was holding, there was something in the fridge for lunch so conditions were right to go and have a coffee at the bar with Jacques, Yaneth et Lisa. They went off for lunch with other friends while we were invited to join Jean-Jacques and those of the family who had not yet left, for lunch at the bar. The chef was on holiday but luckily there was enough left from the previous evening's menu to feed us all. Couldn't linger too long afterwards as we were expecting Jean and Françoise for dinner. Maggie had given me some venison to roast and it was delicious served with a port sauce.
Monday, our visitors left after lunch. Margaret, who is here for a few days, came with me to distribute association newsletters and then came back for a cuppa. Christian left with her in torrentianl rain to help sort out a problem in the house (he's such a lovely wee soul). No sooner was he back, problem resolved, when Lauren called in. It was apéritif time and he stayed until nearly 9pm when we told him (very nicely, of course) that it was time to go home to his wife who was waiting with his evening meal. This photo is of him in his carnival outfit. He fits the part, doesn't he?
Tuesday, nothing in particular: computer for me  and Mairie for Christian.
Wednesday, Christian had his appointment with the cardio-vascular specialist. We thought having an appointment at 9.30am would mean that the wait wouldn't be too long but it was ..... 2 hours. He arrived late, walked straight through the waiting room without even saying "bonjour". Unusual for a French person. Christian needs an operation to unblock his arteries but has to see the cardiologist first, so we're having to wait for a date. By the time we came out, it was time for lunch so we went and had a cheap and cheerful near the supermarket and then did the shopping. Jean-Jacques came for supper of a very substantial minestrone and Bakewell Tart. Don't know why, it's the first time I've ever made one but it won't be the last.
Thursday after the association we went to the restaurant for lunch, even though there was something
in the fridge. Duck breast and dauphinoise potatoes was just too hard to resist and then of course, there were Angel & Paul, Doug & Linda and Margaret at the table with us.
Friday as it was Michel's birthday, even though he doesn't like celebrating we invited him round with Jean-Jacques for lunch. At his request it was a light one - crudités and humous, smoked salmon & leek quiche with salad and chocolate mousse. There was champagne too. Michel left at about 3pm to go to a meeting but Jean-Jacques stayed on until about 9pm. There were reminiscences to share, tears to shed and hugs to give and receive. Very early days

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