Sunday 10 March 2013

A Monstrous Regiment ....

Friday was International Women's Day and for the 5th time the association organised its tearoom out in the village square. For the 5th time Christian put on his pinny and helped serve tea, coffee and homemade (usually by the women of the house) cakes. The restaurant lent us their terrace and all went well apart from about 6 cars that remained on the square which we had to work around, fortunately without too much difficulty. 
I think that there were more women (of French, Catalan, Irish, British, American, Belgian, Spanish and American origin) than usual and with lovely warm sunshine, they lingered long. By the time we'd cleared up we were both ready to sit on the terrace and give our lunch custom to the restaurant. Felt it was the least that we could do. Pity that other members of the committee didn't share the same sentiment but there again, the President and the Treasurer having sat on their bums all morning don't really function as you would expect. I won't start or we'll be here for ages yet.
The afternoon slipped by infront of the telly and it was an early night on the agenda for both of us.

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