Friday 8 March 2013

Another Lunch and a New Expo

No Spanish as it's half term so pottered around until it was time to drive up to Rowena's. Christian, of course put in a couple of hours at the Mairie and it was warm, sunny  and spring-like when we set off. By the time we arrived (at the same time as the other guests Jean-Noël and Christiane), being at a much higher altitude, it was cooler. The birds were singing and there was still some sun though not enough to have apéritifs out on the terrace. Lunch as we had expected was good and the other two were excellent company. Jean-Noël comes along to the language exchange but as he doesn't come from the village and we've never been in the same group, I didn't really know him. To be honest, he always seemed so formal and serious which just goes to show! Christiane, on the other hand was informal and full of beans .... a couple rather like us in reverse!
By the time we left, the sun had disappeared so there's no photo of the stunning scenery, I'm afraid. You'll have to make do with this one of the tree just outside Rowena's house. Still, even though it has been danaged by the heavy rain, it's remains pretty enough.
This evening the 2013 season at the museum kicked off with the opening of an expo about the history of the wine growers of the Albères. On International Women's Day, it was a timely reminder  to see several photos depicting women involved in the back-breaking task of grape picking. Couldn't snap away as my battery was flat. Anyway, I'll bo back another time to take some photos as they really were superb.

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