Sunday 31 March 2013

Freebies at Easter

As usual at Easter, most of us in the street decorate the doors and leave tiny Easter eggs for people to help themselves to. Nicole and Anna even turned their attention to a rather unfestive looking flower tub. Nice idea, isn't it? The sun was actually shining this morning and it felt warm so delivering this week's newsletter was a real pleasure. I was even rewarded with the gift of a book written by one of our elderly members. Came back to the bar where Christian had been waiting for me over a coffee, paid for by Nick. Then it was over to the little square in front of the church to watch a sardane. Here, we were joined by Margaret, Kelvin and Irene. Next it was lunch at the restaurant where we were given a bottle of wine in recognition of us being their first clients. Sat outside and enjoyed the sun which was just as well as the rain came on later.

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