Saturday 23 March 2013

Je suis seuelement Passé dans la Pièce à Côté

After cloud, cold and intermittant showers yesterday, we were pleased to see some sunshine for Michelle's funeral. There were lots of people in the church, friends and family from four corners of France, village people, all but one of the municipal council and two other local mayors.  André gave an address as did Evelyn who captured the essence of who Michelle was. Two of the grandchildren and two nephews spoke and there was a poem. All very moving. Michelle now lies in a lovely part of the new cemetery overlooking the village and shaded by cork trees. There was a buffet lunch for about 40 which provided an opportunity to talk and share memories of Michelle.          Just as we left, the carnival procession was coming up the main street which for the kids was a bit of well deserved fun. Normally we would have participated in the event but we decided to have a calm rest of the day. As we'd postponed lunch at the restaurant to join the family, we went in the evening and were joined by Manu and Sandrine who work at the Mairie. Went to bed thinking of Jean-Jacques and all the adjustments he'll have to make. 

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