Tuesday 5 March 2013

Just a Young Thing!

It's Christian's birthday today and we'd planned to spend a night in a hotel/spa the other side of the frontier. It was somewhere we'd thought of going to for a while as we'd heard good things about it. In the middle of nowhere, this converted hydroelectric station stands on a river surrounded by woods. Idyllic. Today, the scene was impressive as the river was well swollen with water coming down from the mountains and of course the torrential rain. Our room was a good size, modern and comfortable but when we opened the blind, we found a view of lichen covered rocks and to one side an ugly metal evacuation pipe coming from the kitchen. We asked to change the room as it kinda did for the romance but the other room that they offered was smaller so we stayed put. Dinner was no great shakes but the bed was comfortable and we slept well.

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