Sunday 3 March 2013

Another Birthday and More Beef

It's been over a year since we've seen Philippe so it was a real surprise when he phoned earlier this week to invite us for lunch to celebrate his 60th birthday. Went over with Marilyse and Dominique, picking up Josette on the way. Wound our way up through the vines growing on well kept terraces held up by small dry stone walls. The sky was more overcast than yesterday but it wasn't cold and the scenery was magnificent. Imagine our surprise when we arrived at the house and Philippe and Paula pulled up behind us with several bags of shopping. No, come to think of it, knowing Philippe of old we weren't really surprised. Champagne as an apéritif with among other nibbles, smoky bacon flavoured almonds! Oysters, shrimps and large prawns to start, followed by a fillet of his own beef and seaweed which had a very delicate taste. Cheese of course, two scrummy cakes and more champagne. A short stroll and then it was time to head for home for a quite evening in front of the telly.

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