Friday 15 March 2013

In Need of a Laugh?

Well, it's been a weather week. Rain, cold, strong winds and snow on higher ground. The North of France has been particulary hard hit with traffic coming to a standstill. Can't get over how lucky we were on Sunday. So all in all it's been pretty quiet apart from a cuppa at Joséphine's on Wednesday and dinner at Michel's that night ... another jar of "Potlevech" with chips; then lunch in the restaurant on Thursday.
Today was even less fun with a funeral this morning (the mother of one of Christian's colleagues) and then Christian's scan in Perpignan this afternoon which meant that he had to have eaten lunch by 12.30pm. He was taken right on time and if we'd been prepared to return afer 3 hours we could have had the results today however, we've decided to pick them up just before the appointment with the specialist. Don't think that there's much to complain about here, though of course, some people do.
On a completely different subject, have anyone of you done any "Laughter Yoga"? The woman who created the village internet forum (with which I was heavily involved for over three years) has just set up a club in the village. It will be interesting to see how it goes. Lol!

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