Friday 29 November 2013

5 Days' Worth

A cold, windy but sunny week so there was no great enthusiasm to leave the house. However,
we did venture into Perpignan to visit Nany in hospital who's recovering well after the operation on her back. Christian of course has been to the Mairie every morning and me to the language exchange
and Spanish. Funwise Jean-Jacques came for supper on Wednesday and we had lunch at the restaurant on Thursday. The meal was excellent and we're well pleased that they are open again after two weeks holiday.
This morning Christian had an official "do" with the inauguration of a new sewage works which serves this village and the neighbouring one. The President of the Département was there as it's contributed a chunk of finance. The weather was cold and the speaches were outside. Christian was able to escape some of them as André, the Maire asked him to pick up his granddaughter as oviously he couldn't get away. Imagine Christian's surprise when he returned to find the officials still droning on! Still, there was an apéritif in the warm afterwards so all was not lost.
At long last we finally managed to sped some time with Juste and Joséphine who came around this evening for something to eat.
Apéro: Gin and tonic, salami, cornichons et cherry tomatoes; quiche squares; beetroot, cumin and dill verrines garnished with toasted pinenuts
Thai prawn curry, chickpea and cauliflower curry, rice, lime pickle and coriander raita
Cheese: Manchego, coulomiers
Rich fruit slice with maple syrup cream
We managed to avoid contentious political subjects and had a pleasant evening beside a roaring fire so here too, all is not lost.

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