Tuesday 19 November 2013

Take a Kilo of Mince .....

It's rained heavily all day so there was absolutely no question of me putting my nose outside. Christian, however went over to the Mairie in both the morning and afternoon. Then this evening while I watched tv, he went off with Jean-Jacques for a cookery workshop for dummies. organised by Nick. In theory he can now cook spag bol and other dishes that use mince as their base. Can't wait. Apparently, they had a good time as cooking, eating and discussing took 4 hours!

Another morning spent helping Anne understand "Dropbox" and get to grips with the Association's "In Box" but she's feeling a little overwhelmed and her heart's not in it. The rain,  finally having stopped, meant that I was able to stretch my legs and clear my head on the walk home. Then for the rest of the day, I sorted out all the cds and feel pleased to see them in neat rows organised in genres.  Next it will be the drawer in the kitchen with bits of string and other "might-come-in-useful-one-day items" that will be tidied. Yeah, yeah I know, all pretty obsessive!
Oh yes, France managed to qualify for the World Cup and François Holland, the President was well pleased with the result speaking about a team that made  through even though people didn't believe in them. Easy to recognise a subtle parallel to  his governement which is being dogged by very poor ratings. He himself has the lowest rating of any President since 1945!

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