Tuesday 5 November 2013

Atheists Welcome!

After all the beautiful weather we've been having, it was disappointing to wake and see rain as today we'd an outing with Jean and Françoise planned as a belated birthday gift. Undaunted we set forth to drive South and we rewarded by warm sunshine by the time we reached Figueres. Christian and Jean found a café while we went in search of false moustaches and shoes. You'll find out about the moustaches later in the week..
Of course, lunch was part of the plan though we didn't tell Jean the name of the restaurant because of its religous connotations. Still, we had faith that what the chef  of the "La Rectoria" would deliver would wash away any reticence. We weren't wrong.  It really is a top place to eat and at lunchtime during the week there's a menu, complete with wine for 16€. Françoise's G & T, on the other hand cost 10€ + vat! Anyway, it was her treat and it meant that there was more wine for us.
There was no Council meeting for Christian this evening which was a welcome change.
Rounded off the day with the "Soirée Guitares" at the bar though we didn't stay much longer than an hour .....  they're starting to become a bit same ol', same ol'.

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