Sunday 24 November 2013

Multicultural Day

Another windy day but it was a degree or two warmer than it has been. Started off with a coffee in the bar where my rather splendid bright red coat brought forth comments about Mother Christmas, just as it did last year. Have to say I was glad of it when we went off to a nearby town for the inauguration of a new fountain dedicated to the Sardane of Peace (a Picasso sketch donated by the artist to Communist Party who then donated it to the museum). It's a really beautiful work of art but you'll have to wait for a better photo until I can get a clearer view of it. Had a quick glass of wine with Henri and Michèle before going on to watch a short film about the realisation of the fountain and an apéritif at the Mairie for invited guests. We were the sole representatives of the village .... don't we take our civic responsibilites seriously?
Too late to cook lunch at home so we went to the bar for an omelette, yeah, ok, chips as well.
There was only time for Christian to have a 30 minute nap before we had to set off for an "English" Christmas market in another village. Carols, mulled wine and mince pies. Didn't buy anything but
there again we went to meet Pauline who we hadn't seen for ages not to shop. Lunch in the New Year is on the cards.
Next stop was a competition to find the best new sardane composition. There were 5 (out of 15) on the short list and there was a popular vote and a jury vote. Christian and I voted for the winner of the popular vote which came 2nd with the jury. The competition was then followed by a concert. Neither of us are great sardane fans so we were surprised that we got to the end without feeling bored. The day finished with an apéritif at Henri and Michèle's that for once didn't turn into a meal.

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