Saturday 23 November 2013

Autumn Bounty

There were less people in the market this morning and there were only a few die-hard smokers on the terraces, presumably due to the icy cold winds . We too, headed indoors for our coffee and catch up with Henri and Michèle. We'd already decided that we were going over to Maçanet for lunch where one of the restaurants was said to have an excellent autumn menu featuring mushrooms and chestnuts. The two of them jumped at our suggestion that they join us and we weren't disappointed with what arrived on our plates.
Canapés: Verrine of mushroom soup, chestnut in sweet wine syrup on a spoon and mushroom croquette
Starter: Warm mushroom salad, foie gras, toast, chestnut purée and quince Jelly
Mains: Duck breast with prunes and chestnuts in a rich wine sauce for 3 of us, veal steak for Henri
Dessert: Chocolate and chestnut "sin" (that's what the menu said) with dark chocolate sauce and white chocolate ice cream for 3 of us and chestnut ice cream with walnuts and ratafia for Christian
Petits Fours. All for 27€90. It would have been 2€ less if we'd gone in the week but we certainly had no regrets; it was delicious and worth every last cent.
Stopped off to buy cava and introduce Henri and Michèle to the cave in Capmany. They enjoyed the tour of the tap museum and bought two cartons of the red wine that we'd had at lunch time. Both couples came away with a freebie bottle of cava and white wine each.
We were back to ours in time for a cuppa and believe it or not, Christian still managed to have some bread and cheese later on!

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