Thursday 21 November 2013

Unlikely Dinner Companions

The weather gods must have been on our side yesterday as today, clouds are once more in evidence. It's  cold and windy so it looks as if we're in for the full 9 days of the Tramontane. Still, it didn't matter as all activity was of the indoor variety. Being Thursday, it was the language exchange and a drink at the bar as usual though this evening was more out of the ordinary. A paella in the hunters' premisis with the Police Municipal, some local gendarmes and fire officers . It was organised by Armand, the "Adjoint au Maire" responsible for security and the José, the "Premier Adjoint" who did the cooking, I suppose as a relationship building exercise. Christian and Jean-Jacques were invited because they were good blokes. We thought it would be an all male affair so it was a surprise for me to receive an invite as well. Violet, José's partner and a female gendarme were also there and it turned out to be a very civilised affair.

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