Wednesday 20 November 2013

Guided Tour

Thank goodeness that bad weather doesn't last long here as we were able to go off with Nick and Lizzie under blue skies. The distant mountains have a thick covering of snow and look picturesque with the sun shining down on them. Headed first to Besalú, which they didn't know and had a walk around following an al fresco coffee. As the clock was ticking on, we couldn't give this medieval village the time it deserves. Along with Christian architecture, a fortified bridge and  stone arches, there are rare vestiges of Jewish baths. The Jewish community was expelled from the town in 1436 but now adays, its tourist savvy Council organises a dedicated festival every year to bring them back.
Anyway, enough of Besalú; we had to carry on to the market in Banyoles after driving in around the lake. It too, has an historic centre but not the charm of our first stop. Wandered , bought some fruit, veg and plants, then went in search of lunch.
Once again we went to the  "La Rectoria" and once again neither we nor they were disappointed.

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