Friday 8 November 2013

Eat, Drink and be Frightened!

My turn today, to get the pinny on and produce dinner for André, Nany, Michèle and Henri, who  came ostensibly to pin down a few détails about our trip to Scotland next year. I don't know why but I decided on "Kedgeree". I know, I know, it's esentially a breakfast dish but I thought it would be something different that they didn't know. Anyway, it went down well and there was enough left over for us for another meal. For starters, we had Delia's Fennel Stuffed Peppers and for dessert, Banana Malteser Cake served with crème fraîche.
Another day, another meal and the sun is still warm. After the language exchange, we joined Anne and Terry to put our feet under Nick and Lizzie's table. They did have an ulterior motive though. No such thing as a free lunch, eh?  Still no hardship was involved as all we had to do was settle on a date to take our hosts to Banyoles market which has been on the cards since summer. It was a long leisurely lunch with poor old Christian being outnumbered by Brits but he bore up well fortified by plenty to drink, delicious duck in orange sauce and a few cuddles.
Back to Spanish for me after a three week gap and Paul's decided to try a new approach as he's finally realised that it's all been pitched at too high a level for us. That will be a relief.
Christian's feeling pretty tired at the moment and slept most of the afternoon. I think that we've been overdoing it a bit.
This evening there was a vernissage at the museum and as it was our neighbour and his brother who were showing, we were bound to go. There were sculptures carved into river stones and some rather scary paintings. I told the painter that I wouldn't want to wake up with one at the end of my bed and someone else more graphically said that she wouldn't be too keen to sleep with the painter if that was his outlook on life! The apéritif and mini jazz concert provided an uplifting end so we were able to go home to bed without fear of nightmares to come.

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