Monday 4 November 2013

Keeping Busy

Markets are just not about buying veg as those of you who hae visited our local one will know. There's sitting in the sun, drinking wine and bumping into friends as well. Today we also managed to organise two outings: a concert tomorrow and the quiz at the restaurant next week.  This afternoon, we went round to visit Maggie who's laid low with a heavy cold and tonight Jean-Jacques came and shared a pot of minestrone with us.

No long Sunday morning lie-in for us as we attended a commemoration mass for the daughter-in-law of one of the Council members. She was only 43 and choked on, of all things, a piece of cheese. After that off we went to the bar for a coffee followed later on by a glass of rosé.
This evening's outing to the concert was just fabulous. "Accordézeam", five young(ish) musicians revisited various pièces of classical and film music. Their interprétations were all relly original. Imagine deconstructing the New World Symphony which is a construction of "American" musical themes and then putting it back together again with a myriad of musical influences in their traditional form. What's more it was fun to listen to and to watch the performers. You can find them on
We left walking on air with the New World still going around our heads and headed for the wine bar where we ate tapas, drank red wine and enjoyed more music from the group who were there also.

A "Dropbox" (or as a friend who hates it, calls it  "drop dead box") morning and afternoon spent installing it for two friends. Intrigued? If you're not in the know, it's a file sharing/storage application which really is quite useful especially as you can read the documents offline. will tell you all about it better than I can.
Being the first Monday, Christian had his surgery while I went to visit Annette. then as usual we went to the local hostel for something to eat. A Monday night in November, so it was no surprise that we were the only ones in there. No duck this time; we both had omelette which was just the best ever ..... light, fluffy and stuffed with wild mushrooms and cheese. I can taste it yet!

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