Friday 8 November 2013

Hairy People

Here we are into November and the weather is still warm and sunny. It's no hardship sitting out having a drink with friends and that's what hapened this morning at the market. No sooner than we'd arrived than we bumped into Gaby who we hadn't seen for ages, so off we went for a coffee. Then we were joined by Henri, then Michèle, then Chantal. Of course, a glass of rosé put in an appearance after which Henri suggested that we stay on for a bite to eat. It was hardly reasonable for any of us as we'd respective dinners to go to in the evening but we did anyway.
This evening the moustaches came out of their wrappings for a theme quiz at the restaurant .... mustaches in sport, cartoons, tv series, politics and on women. And what do you know? We won!!! And what did we eat? Duck!!!

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