Sunday 17 November 2013

Send in the Clowns

Weather's cooler and there were fewer people in the market. We stopped by to see an exhibition on the theme "sang et or" (colours Catalan) which includes a few of our friend Mireille's paintings. Then it was coffee followed by a glass of wine. Henri and Michèle persuaded us to go back to theirs for an apéritf and once again we ended up staying for lunch. Christian found himself in the kitchen cooking omelette and pasta. One day chez nous?
This evening there was a soirée musicale organised in aid of the Téléthon. We didn't win the raffle but the programme was varied and Colin sang "Send in the Clowns" at my suggestion. I  found myself holding my breathe all the way through.You too can enjoy it  here,
So, the title of this post refers to the Steven Sondheim song and not the miserable showing of the French football team in the World Cup qualifiers. At the moment footballers rate lower than estate agents and all the other usual suspects in the unpopularity stakes  ... poor behaviour, inflated heads and the threat of strike action if they are not exempt from paying a higher tax rate on their earnings doesn't earn much sympathy grrrrrrrrrrrrrh!

Finally, a good downpour with cloud hanging low in the village. In fact there is even an "alert orange" for this department and just when it was heaviest we decided to go to the bar for a coffee. Bah oui, not very bright. It wasn't outing just for a coffee though; we also went to leave a couple of books for a "livres libres"(book crossing) organised by someone in the village. As she had only sent an email to the Mairie on Thursday and didn't do any other publicity, we're probably the only ones who participated. Shame, as it's a great idea.
Jean-Jaques came for lunch at 12.15pm and left more than five hours later. Not that it seemed like it as there was plenty to talk about. Had a stir fry, not very Sunday lunch it's true but it was appreciated and there was not a thing left in the bottom of the wok. What'll we have tomorrow??

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