Saturday 28 June 2014

A Rosy Glow

Took the bus, or rather two buses to the clinic and found Christian still hooked up to his drip. As it was exceptionally hot Martine insisted on coming in to pick me up even though I could have caught the bus home. That was kind especially as she has Claudette still with her and does loads of things that keep her busy.
This evening it was the restaurant's annual "soirée rosé" where I joined Martine, Claudette, Di, Robin, David, Laura, Lone and Jesper. Françoise and her brother, Jacques were there too and quite out of character Françoise stayed until midnight. Tapas, wine by the bottle and rock music provided by Michel and his group; the atmospere was great with lots of buzz and dancing in the square.
After a really hot day, the weather was perfect for delivering the association's newsletter which I had intended to do yesterday but of course, it wasn't a priority and I hadn't. Scooted around the village and arrived back in the square at about 12.30am to be invited by Lone and Jesper to have some more rosé. Finally made it home for 2am.
38°, Sun, blue skies
100 yers ago the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by Serbian rebels in Sarejevo thus lighting the fuse that led to the outbreak of the 1st World War a month later.

Friday 27 June 2014

Action at Last

Rather than fill the gap between the last post and this one, I am thinking that it would be time better spent keeping you, our loyal readers, up-to-date with Christian's state of health.
Armed with the results of blood and urine tests, he saw the cardiologist at 1.30pm this afternoon. After a thorough examination and asking if Christian's breathing had been laboured for a long time (!!),  he sent us off to Casualty at the clinic where he's already had heart surgery. It was such a relief to finally have something being done as he really couldn't have gone on much longer as he was. Jean-Jacques drove us and during the time that Christian had all the necessary examinations done and diuretics delivered by drip, he went into Perpignan, bought a book and read it! Christian finally arrived in his (single, ensuite) room at about 8.30pm. I saw him settled and then Jean-Jacques and I went back to the village and straight to the Association's "soirée tapas". Grabbed a bite to eat and a glass of rosé then went home to bed.
27°, Sun

Thursday 26 June 2014

Carrying on with Life

Went with Martine to Sylvie's salon over the border to get our hair done while Claudette went to the museum. Martine had a pedicure and foot spa while sitting in a massage chair as well. On coming back to the village, I invited them to the bar for an apéritif and were joined by Christian.  There was Aberdeen Angus steak on the restaurant's menu and we couldn't resist. Christian couldn't finish his so rather than leave it, it came home with us in a serviette. In the evening, he managed to go over to the Mairie for a meeting but I think it was the same as when he's gone out to the bar 'the light's on but no one's home".
27 deg some rain, sun, cloud

Christian got his tests results and despite the cardio fiddling with his medication, the thyroid is getting worse rather than better. 

Had coffee at the bar with Daniel, a Frenchman who has lived in South Africa for many years and is working as an estate agent. He has moved from the Var to farther up our valley  As he's not been here long, Flo (one of the opposition and who a few years ago I worked with to develop the village online forum) thought that the Association might be a good connection for him. He seemed interested and said he'd come to the tapas evening at the end of the week. It was a bit like selling ice cream to Eskimos as I extolled the merits of the village in comparison to where he's currently living. For someone selling houses in the area, he doesn't know much about it whatever his publicity blurb says!
Christian gave the weekly meeting at the Mairie a miss but Jean-Jacques came for a bite to eat afterwards. Michel who had been invited but had said that he couldn't come, turned up anyway to see how Christian was and stayed to share what we had on the table!
28°,  thunder lightening some heavy rain 

Christian took the GP's letter to the cardio's office as soon as it was open and on reading it seeing how bloated he was, blood and urine tests were ordered up. At last some action. Meanwhile, I went shopping over the border with Josephine and came back to her place where we were joined by Christian and Michel for lunch. While there, Michel received the news that Sylvie's daughter, Alison had had a baby girl. With less pressing things to deal ith we stayed on for a wee snooze after which we refreshed our feet in the cooling waters of their pool.
Christian didn't manage down to the recreation ground in the evening for the fireworks of the "Fête de St Jean" marking the beginning of summer but I was there to represet our commitment to village life. Maggie appeared at one point looking for a black lab who had sped off from the house thinking that the fireworks were a signal that a shoot had started! Afterwards I joined Terry and Anne for an al fresco coffee in the bar.
700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn when the Scots sent "proud Edward's army home again to think again".
26 deg cloud thunder some rain burt dry in the evening

Cooked lamb shanks Morrocan style for lunch. Sorry, can't remember where I found the recipe. You'll just hve to take my word for it that they were delicious!
26°,  clouding over in the afternoon
The situation in Iraq/Syria becomes ever more politically complicated and violent.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Eating Out

We had been invited to Marsiam's "Opening" this morning but it was hot and we knew that Christian wouldn't be able to walk the distance from the carpark, so didn't go. He did manage, however, to make it to the bar where we had a coffee.
In the evening the village celebrated la "fête de la musique "in the village square. The Brits were the mainstay of the concert which included all kinds of different music. Maybe I should qualify that; there was nothing after the 1950's. No Beatles, no Stones, no Abba, no reggae, no etc. The bar, the restaurant and the butcher who did a paella, sausage and chips filled the tables in the square which was good for village life and commerce. We (ie, David, Laura, Martine, Kate and Olivier) opted for the restaurant which did a plate of tapas and pud. Just as well it wasn't copious as Christian is still picking at his food.

Our last Spanish session finished on a festive note. No work for us instead  it was time to give gifts to the workshop leaders, have a glass of cava (or orange juice) and tuck into sweet things. The chocolate/biscuit cake that I'd made went down an absolute storm. Just goes to show that good things don't have to be complicated ...... just loaded with calories!
Afterwards, Christian met me for a drink at the bar where we were joined by Jean-Jacques. Passing by the restaurant, Christian fancied having a bite to eat there which was a good sign even though he couldn't manage the 3 courses.
In the evening Margaret invited us, Judith and Trevor to her place for an apéritif as she's leaving tomorrow. Ben was in charge of serving up the canapés and keeping the glasses filled. Christian walked up slowly but surely so at least his legs are still working. Shoes are a problem though as his feet are still swollen.
29°, sunny

Went to the language exchange while Christian rested. André called to see him and he too thinks it's his heart and is most unhappy that things have been dragging on. Nany came bearing sympathy and a pot of jam. Anyway, when I came back from the language exchange which these days is held outside, the three of them were having a glass of rosé at the bar. Nany was looking none the worse from her accident yesterday. Jean-Jacques and Michel stopped on the way by and we then stayed on for an omlette.
Did nothing else for the rest of the day.
28°, sunny

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Playing Ping Pong

André had said that he would call and see Christian today but with all his commitments he didn't make it. I went into the local clinic to see Annette, then whizzed around the supermarket before getting a lift back to the village with Maggie who'd been to the physio.
Christian finally got hold of the cardio and if the GP wants him to see him before the 27 July, he needs to phone him and explain why! Apérobio this evening but I was too distracted by Christian's miserable situation to fully enjoy it.
25°, rain in afternoon 

Went for a coffee in the morning.  
Christian telephoned the Cardio this afternoon for an appointment but his surgery was closed until the next day. 
Accident no3 happened; this time it was Nany who ended up in the clinic but was unscathed apart from some bruising.  
There was an Association meeting this evening to discuss the language workshops and found that there was another one afterwards to discuss the way that things were going. Apparently, I was expected to contribute but no one had invited me! A Freudian slip maybe? Anyway, Jean-Jacques and Michel were expected for an apéritif after their meeting at the Mairie. So, no need to feel guilty about leaving the committee to it.

Christian's GP  was clearly worried by his state of health and couldn't understand why the cardio wasn't doing anything.  He tried to phone but there was no reply so said he'd try again tomorrow. In the meantime he gave Christian a letter to give the cardio when he sees him. Feels like being in the middle of a game of ping pong.

Stayed at home all day and worked on the blog. Coughing a lot and with badly swollen feet, Christian just rested.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Going Back in Time

Jean-Louis had organised a Medieval fête to celebrate his 16th year as patron of the bar. There were spit roasted hams, troubadours, a fire eater, people in costume, the local banda, guitarists and lots of people having fun. We ate with Martine and a couple of friends of hers but Christian was not well. His stomach is more swollen than ever and there was no way that he could face the meal and contented himself with picking a few bits of my plate. Those of you who know him will realise from this simple fact that he's not himself at all.
29°, sun and wind

Friday 13 June 2014

Farther Afield

Had a coffee in the bar before heading for the last Spanish session of the year. Next week there'll be no work, just a get-together with the other groups.
Our last visitors left and there's a pile of washing to look forward to!
Christian was too tired to attend the nursery school's end of year show so I put in an appearance in his stead. A load of incomprehensible 3-5 year olds on stage are not exactly rivetting when you're not related to them. I can only wonder at my sense of public duty as I lasted 2 hours. Made sure that I spoke to the Head Teacher; well, such sacrifice was not to go unnoticed!
This evening Christian managed his longest walk for a while down to the recreation ground for a "fideuà" cooked for the Association by José . It was excellent. There were about 70 of us all told, even one or two new faces. The walk back was going to be too much for Christian, so Carmen came to the rescue with a much appreciated lift.
33°, sunny