Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Officialdom, Spanish and a Flying Scot

Did manage to get up in time to get to the association committee meeting. Ah yes, my good intentions to keep my nose out have gone by the wayside in favour of my belief that I can get a bit of order back into the organisation!!
After that it was time to put my own affairs in order with a trip to the lawyer's and then into the tax office to get an appointment. From what I could gather from the receptionist's one-sided conversation, the woman responsible wasn't too keen to give me one, obviously thinking I should take a ticket and queue. Anyway, the receptionist kept insisting that I was foreign and recently widowed; I left successful.
There was even enough time for a trip around the supermarket before the bus and as luck would have it, I bumped into Michel who gave me a lift back.
Went over to the Mairie in response to a letter from EDF, the French electricity supplier  who I think operate in the British free market. This philanthropic organisation wants to help us users to make economies. Secretly, I think they want to get me off an advantageous tariff  that they're wanting to phase out. He advised that I should make sure the roof is well insulated and put an insert into my open fireplace. Yes, that may make it more energy efficient but there's nothing like an open fire. My reward for listening to his lecture was the gift of an energy saving bulb and his promise to send me more energy saving tips by internet!
This photo is of the Christmas Angels made from newspaper at the after school centre in the village.
Spanish class went well but progress is still slow.
This evening I finally managed to start working my way through my "I owe you a meal" list. David, who's on a flying visit from Scotland, Nick, Lizzie, Brian and Dani came to sample the delights of my cooking. Maybe, I shouldn't have thrown away so many of those cookery magazines.
On the menu were tapas, cinnamon and lemon pork with couscous, cheese and Delia's Christmas Compote with vanilla icecream. All very tasty even if I  do echo the verdict of my guests. Don't blame me for crowing, I need to get my confidence back after so long of eating out rather than in.
18° Sunny


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