Sunday 6 December 2015


Spent the whole day at the village hall doing the bottle stall. Sandwich lunch in situ, lots of chat, tea and a piece of Christmas cake in the afternoon. Stayed to help clear up and then spent a very quiet evening in front of the telly.
Our stall made 747€ and the village made 16,380€, the second highest total in the Département.
16°, Sun

Walked over to Maggie's to help organise things for our accessory stall at the Téléthon. Then made a trip to the supermarket. Isn't life interesting? Yes, even in the South of France chores have to be done if a woman wants to keep body and soul together.
At the end of the afternoon, I went up to see the release of balloons for the Téléthon, an event organised primarily for kids, But every euro counts so the inner child in me bought one and wrote a wee note to Christian on the attatched label. Wonder where it will finally end up.
15° cloudy

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