Tuesday 8 December 2015

Starting and Finishing in the Bar

Had a late coffee at the bar where Marie-Louise treated Martine and I to a coffee as it was her birthday. Afterwards took the bus into town to meet "blonde Anne" as my Mum calls her, for lunch. She was kind enough to bring me a couple of boxes of Xmas cards from UK. You just wouldn't imagine how dear they are here. Had a simple but pleasant lunch at the Café de France.
Spanish in the afternoon and attendance at the Council meeting in the evening. Christian's name came up again. Michel mentioned him in his passionate response to EDF's desire to put wind turbines on a ridge above the commune. Now I don't have a  personal insight into what's going on, this will be one way to keep up to date. Finished the evening with a glass of wine in the bar sitting next to the fire with Martine and Maggie.
16°, sun and light cloud

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