Tuesday 29 December 2015

New Specs Working Overtime

Didn't step foot outside the door. Caught up with the blog and not much else. Well, apart from finding the key that I "lost". It was zipped away in a pocket in my bag! Thank goodness that the mystery is solved as it's been driving me crazy since Saturday.
14° light wind and cloud

Muriel from the women's group came around for a herbal tea and a chat about how things were going. I learnt that she was into "Collective Intelligence" and developping communication skills. I can feel a wee workshop coming on should the group be interested!
Popped into the Mairie and winkled Martine and Michel out for a glass of wine at the bar where lo and behold Jean-Jacques appeared and was persuaded to join us.
In the afternoon, I met up with Annie for a pot of  tea and nearly two hours of chat. I came away having promised to find her some recipes for a Scottish meal. Think I'll just send an internet link; problem is apparently she doesn't do recipes with more than three steps. Umph!
Back home with just enough time to change and get off to artist James's  birthday apéro. Also present were Hélène and Bob who deal with letting the house for them while they're away and Debra and Alain who do the garden and some DIY. I had thought that James enjoyed good wine which was why I bought him a couple of different very good reds and suggested that he keep them to drink at his leisure. But no, they and three other different ones were all opened at the same time and served indiscriminately. I tried not to feel peeved by remembering that once a present is given it's for the recipient to do what they like with.


Had a much appreciated lie - in either snoozing or reading. Finally got myself out to go for a coffee for 11.30am. Had only just ordered when Ann and Terry appeared so it was nice to have a bit of company. Home for lunch, some admin and a good dose of tv.
15° windy and sunny spells

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