Thursday 31 December 2015

Retreat to the Mountains

What a good job I asked Maggie to give me a lift to get the bus up to Rowena's just in case the 5 minutes for my connection should go pear - shaped, 'cos it did. The bus from the village was just arriving as my bus pulled away. The driver obviously doesn't do waiting!
A gluten-free quiche and salad lunch at Rowena's and fortunately she seemed well pleased with her present. Forgot to mention, it's her official retirement date today.
We were sttled down in front of the fire having a catch up when the Maire and his wife called in to say "bon anniversaire". So, a bottle of champagne was cracked open and they'd not long left before Laure (a German friend, also on the Council) arrived for dinner. We had planed to go out to another village an hour away for the festivities but ended up just staying in and were in bed by 11.30pm!!  Can't say I was sorry to avoid the night mountain air with my cough. Not a good sign, is it?
13° Sunshine and cloud

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