Thursday 31 December 2015

Retreat to the Mountains

What a good job I asked Maggie to give me a lift to get the bus up to Rowena's just in case the 5 minutes for my connection should go pear - shaped, 'cos it did. The bus from the village was just arriving as my bus pulled away. The driver obviously doesn't do waiting!
A gluten-free quiche and salad lunch at Rowena's and fortunately she seemed well pleased with her present. Forgot to mention, it's her official retirement date today.
We were sttled down in front of the fire having a catch up when the Maire and his wife called in to say "bon anniversaire". So, a bottle of champagne was cracked open and they'd not long left before Laure (a German friend, also on the Council) arrived for dinner. We had planed to go out to another village an hour away for the festivities but ended up just staying in and were in bed by 11.30pm!!  Can't say I was sorry to avoid the night mountain air with my cough. Not a good sign, is it?
13° Sunshine and cloud

Tuesday 29 December 2015

New Specs Working Overtime

Didn't step foot outside the door. Caught up with the blog and not much else. Well, apart from finding the key that I "lost". It was zipped away in a pocket in my bag! Thank goodness that the mystery is solved as it's been driving me crazy since Saturday.
14° light wind and cloud

Muriel from the women's group came around for a herbal tea and a chat about how things were going. I learnt that she was into "Collective Intelligence" and developping communication skills. I can feel a wee workshop coming on should the group be interested!
Popped into the Mairie and winkled Martine and Michel out for a glass of wine at the bar where lo and behold Jean-Jacques appeared and was persuaded to join us.
In the afternoon, I met up with Annie for a pot of  tea and nearly two hours of chat. I came away having promised to find her some recipes for a Scottish meal. Think I'll just send an internet link; problem is apparently she doesn't do recipes with more than three steps. Umph!
Back home with just enough time to change and get off to artist James's  birthday apéro. Also present were Hélène and Bob who deal with letting the house for them while they're away and Debra and Alain who do the garden and some DIY. I had thought that James enjoyed good wine which was why I bought him a couple of different very good reds and suggested that he keep them to drink at his leisure. But no, they and three other different ones were all opened at the same time and served indiscriminately. I tried not to feel peeved by remembering that once a present is given it's for the recipient to do what they like with.


Had a much appreciated lie - in either snoozing or reading. Finally got myself out to go for a coffee for 11.30am. Had only just ordered when Ann and Terry appeared so it was nice to have a bit of company. Home for lunch, some admin and a good dose of tv.
15° windy and sunny spells

Sunday 27 December 2015

Continuing the Christmas Cheer

Up before 8am to wave the family on their way back to Normandy then made a leisurely visit to the bar for a Sunday morning coffee. Nicole came by and we ended up staying for lunch and for the 3rd time in a week, I was treated. No soup this time, just a goat's cheese salad. It was late by the time I got back and got started on preparing dinner for Terry, Maggie and Ann. On the menu:
  • Foie gras toasts, petits fours, cherry toms, cranberry relish topped boudin blanc (good idea)
  • Duck breasts, green beans, sauté potatoes with red berry sauce
  • Cheese 
  • Chocolate and kirsch soaked cherries Mousse
  • Champagne (thanks Maggie), Monter Red (thanks Terry and Ann

Saturday 26 December 2015

One of Those Days

It's an ill wind ..... the family had originally planned to leave today but for the last couple of days, poor old Guillaume has been suffering from really bad back pain so, they decided to stay an extra day to give him chance to rest up. So, one more day of company and the pleasure of being with the family.
Rather than wait for everyone to get organised to go to the market, I decided to take the bus but what do you know ... the damn thing came at least 8 minutes early according to François who'd also hoped to get it. We both waited hoping that something might come along but it was a forlorn hope. So the tenor of the day was set.
On my way home, I met Geneviève who was heading off  to the market so all was not lost as she gave me a lift in thus, saving me a euro.
 Some of the other things that went wrong:
  • Lost my (empty) shopping bag
  • Didn't have enough money in my purse to pay for the wine I'd bought
  • Couldn't find my telephone even though I heard it ringing!
  • Lost my front door key
  • No space at our usual café for a drink so we ended up at the patisserie for hot chocolate
  • Valérie went to the garage to find that her tyre was almost flat
It wasn't all negative though:
  • Valérie found someone in the village to repair the tyre
  • My new reading specs were ready and my insurance is coughing up for them. There's a second pair to come for 1€, something that the guy would have "forgotten" if I'd not reminded him.
  • Found my telephone in the depths of my bag
  • We had a good lunch at the bar in the village which Valérie and Guillaume treated me to. While the family went out later in the afternoon I started to catch up with "Downton". Happy endings all round.
Dinner was left overs  and in need of some escapism, I spent far too long watching tv instead of getting some even more needed rest and recuperation.
13°, sunshine, cloud later

Friday 25 December 2015

Best of Both

After getting to bed pretty late, we were up relatively early, even Hugo. I think it was because I'd spoken about having brunch and he'd interpreted it as a "full British".  I managed to put together some rashers of bacon that were diverted from barding the turkey, eggs and white pudding (traditional in France at Christmas).  The main thing we'd planned for today was to take a trip up to the cemetery to show Emma, who hadn't been at the funeral, where we'd scattered Papy's ashes. I'd thought it might help to write messages to him on balloons to let go. once all was ready, Maureen pointed out that as they weren't filled with helium, it wouldn't work .... dahhhh! Anyway, we managed as best we
could to attach them to a nearby tree instead.
Christmas dinner was a late affair and even then we weren't very hungry.
Unseasonally warm

We've planned a Franco/British Christmas in traditional manner. Valérie is in charge of the Christmas eve meal and my good self will do the honours tomorrow.
Wee Emma is become more excited while her older brother and sister remained an adolescent cool but eventually midnight came and we went up to the nest to see the full moon know as "la lune des nuits longues", the like of which hasn't been seen since 1977. Have to say I was somewhat disappointed as it didn't seem anyway different perhaps because I was looking at the wrong time or because of the humidity in the atmosphere..
Well, what do you know? While no one was looking Papa Noël had crept into the house and left presents under the tree!

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Doors, Bells and Flying Plates.

The family went off to Spain for the day so it was a quiet time for me catching up with all those bits and pieces (mainly to do with the Association) that have been waiting to be done for days. I did take time out though to have a coffee.

Dani, Emma and I jingled all the way to the after-school care centre. Two groups of eight each to learn "Jingle Bells" while shaking the ones that we'd managed to gather together. The under 7s really just made a noise but the eights and up had a surprising level of English vocab. Despite my failing voice and tickly cough that I've had since Sunday (I blame the damp at the market), the time passed quickly and we departed unscathed; Emma with a bag of chocolate Santas. We needed a drink after that and Jean-Jacques who'd come to the bar to say "hello" to the family, came back with us for lunch.
Supermarket in the afternoon and then in the evening over to Jean and Françoise's for dinner. Emma was a great hit as was Jean with the kids. They couldn't believe that he'd been a maths teacher especially when Françoise asked him to pass the plates and he said "catch" and threw plates to Hugo and Valérie frisby style. Of course, caught unawares, neither of them did! Françoise called a halt at this point while there was still somethinh to eat off. There was also great fun taking photos through a kalaedascope. The photo is of Hugo though on second thoughts you could be forgiven for thinking at first glance that it was a football.
13°, cloudy

Spent the morning following our neighbourhood advent calendar. 24 houses were issued with envelopes with a number on and on the day corresponding to the number, they were opened and the card (individually decorated) were displayed. It was fun going through the streets looking to see who had done what. Just by chance, the trail ended up by the bar where we stopped off for an apéro before lunch.
Wee Emma who's nearly 8 sat on my lap, cuddled in and asked me why Papy had left me. I explained he hadn't as he was always with me in my heart. I could almost shed a tear thinking about her concern.
Ann and Terry called by and came in for an early evening drink. Dinner then early to bed early.
Mild, blus skies

In need of a quiet day and lucky for me all was ready for the arrival of the family. None of the women
who come for a coffee at the bar were available so there wasn't any temptation to linger.
Valérie, Guillaume and the three children arrived in time for an apéritif and diner "en famille".
Mild , cloudy

Saturday 19 December 2015

Christmas Traditions

Another early start, toddling over to the Mairie for 8.15am to help set up the Association's stand for the Christmas market. There were Santa hats, holly mistletoe, British carol singers and the Catalan traditional "Caga Tió", the story of which you can find by following this link.
Spent the day there until 4.45pm with only an hour's break for a bowl of soup at the bar where I joined Philippe and Françoise who treated me. We did a good trade and made 300€ which we donated to Médcins sans Frontière. Went home feeling tired and didn't budge for the rest of the evening.
16° Damp, cloudy with a couple of sunny spells

Friday 18 December 2015


This morning brought a shock to my rather sluggish system with a 7am departure with Maggie for the supermarket over the border. Of course, so early we sailed through the frontier and had to wait for it to open. That must be a first! Anyway, it was worth it as we got around in record time and were back home before 9am. I had a "Jingle Bells" meeting over a coffee with Dani later on in preparation for our visit to the kids at the after-school centre. Starting to get nervous already.
Jean-Claude, my neighbour, kindly came by to
 fix up a curtain rail for me and in the afternoon, I set to and made 20 litres of mulled wine for tomorrow's Christmas market.
Two engagements this evening. Incredibly, I'd turned down another 4. First a whistle stop visit to one of the English language groups for their Christmas celebrations where I sat through some seasonal vocabulary, had a drink, received some flowers from Jean-Pierre (on my right) and then ran for the bus.
Jean was at the bus stop to meet me to go around to Mohmmed and Hélène's for a tajine. Sadly, I managed to leave the Christmas cake I was taking to my hosts on the bus. My head is all over the place at the moment. Lucky for me I had my flowers. Didn't like giving them away but that was better than going empty handed. Needless to say, it was a good night.
Driving home, we passed the recreation ground and I had to laugh seeing a group of young people sitting at a portable picnic table having a drink. It looked so bizarre!
16°, cloudy

Thursday 17 December 2015


Language exchange and as usual back to the bar but this time it was only for a drink and no soup. Maybe I should have done as in the afternoon I was working on the computer and lost a table so had to re-enter all the info ***** !
This evening was the Association's welcome apéro for new members. It all went well. People mixed and created a good buzz. And, the icing on the cake, it was held in Christian's room.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Signs of Christmas

Spanish yesterday, French today but not in the classroom. Françoise had invited us to hers for chat over coffee, pastries and fizz. This photo is of her crêche, the figurines of which have been collected over 50 years. While not relious, I can't help but admire the craft of it all. Conversation flowed along with the wine. The combination of the two lead me into a heated discussion with two Belgians about colonialism and its aftermath. The occasional coffee at the bar won't be the same again even though we parted all smiles.
Christmas festivities were on this evening's agenda too as it was the Mairie Christmas apéritif where presents were given out. Councillors received a gourmet box. I received one too for Christian which was a nice gesture.
18° cloudy

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Three Twices in One Day

Early trip to the supermarket with Nick who invited me to meet him, Lizzie and Roger later for a lunch of soup and cheese at the bar. Set me up well for our last Spanish lesson of the term. What joy; no homework just encouragement to revise the present tense (indicative and subjunctive) and the pronouns. Of course that will wait until after the New Year.
Then it was a quick meeting with Marguerite and Françoise to synchronise our membership lists.
In the evening it was back to the bar for the monthly apérobio, proudly presented and explained by Nico. Among other things there was fresh artichoke and stuffed pattypan squash and for the second time to day, onion soup.
17°, cloud

Monday 14 December 2015

Islands of Pleasure in a sea of Ordinariness

  • Good news: my camera was handed in at the Mairie
  • Bad news: Internet off until 9.30pm so there was no excuse not to do my Spanish homework.
  • Chores at home: Clearing a basket of ironing.
  • Chores at Maggie's: Helping wrap the things we'll be selling as cheap Christmas presents for "Médecins sans Frontière" at the village Christmas market. It's amazing how much better people's unwanted stuff looks wrapped in cellophane tied  with a bit of ribbon. Really boring but needs must. The walk over was pleasant though and this pyracanthus is rather splendid.
  • Welcome distraction: Jean and Françoise's visit at apéritif time
15° cloudy

This morning the two Nicole's and I were joined at the café by Geneviève. The idea is catching on; it wasn't that long ago that I was there by myself. As I was on my way out, Jacques and Mireille invited me to join them for lunch which I did of course. Scurried home about 2.45pm to bake a cake with the over-ripe bananas that were in the fruit bowl. hurried out for 4pm for the Christmas concert in the church. Was really good and over 600€ was raised for the "Restaurant du Coeur". This was followed by an apéritif in the village hall which gave enough courage to go to the Mairie for the count. Anxious times with the National Front making headway. This week they were just beaten in the village but I'm ashamed to say that they came in first in the Département. In the end they didn't win one single Region due primarily to tactical voting. Let's hope that they can be defeated in the Presidentials' when they arrive in 2017.
14° Sun and cloud

As I was given No12 for the streets' Advent calendar, my turn arrived  today so my first job was to open up the envelope. Then went to the market with Michel and finally got around to ordering my glasses. A quick whizz around the supermarket followed and once back home I wrote a whole load of Christmas cards. Sure to have forgotten someone! Well, doesn't everyone?
14° Sunshine and cloud

Friday 11 December 2015

Golden Oldies

It's that time of year when the finery comes out, more makeup than usual is slapped on and a good time is had by all. Yes, folks, it's the OAPs' lunch! There was however, time for a coffee at the bar with James first. I felt and looked overdressed for the place but what the heck.
Arrived at the hall half an hour early to help Dani and Ann save our table. They'd learnt last year that Senior Citizen's are not averse to moving in on places that have been saved; they're pretty lethal with their elbows when the apéritifs are made available too. Another first under my belt; this year I was in the body of the hall rather than at the Councillors' table. Ours was an international affair with Brits, French, Swedes, Belgians and a Bolivian. The food was good, the wine flowed and the dancing helped work off some calories. Stopped off at the bar on the way back with Ann and Terry for a cuppa and more chat. Once home I realised that I'd left my camera in the hall but it was too late to do anything about it. Hope someone has it safe. This photo was taken by Nicole, so for once here's me!
14° Sunshine and cloud

Thursday 10 December 2015

Looking Back

It's Thursday so this morning there was the language exchange followed by a glass of rosé at the bar. Again stayed for soup and cheese with Ann and Terry.
Spent the afternoon doing admin stuff, mostly for the association but did come across the cards that I received for my 50th. So, as I'm in  clearing out mode, I wanted a wee reminder before they go to the recycling bin.
These three made me smile:
The Card says " Rumours that the Tunnel would bring closer links with France sent panic round the village pond!" 

From Guess who?
Joyeux anniversaire "me love". You did half of the way, now there are 50 more to go but with me - so courage! Love is all you need.

From Mary Kate
Do you remember ........?
  • our long weekend in Egypt
  • our first year in Queen's Drive when we partied for a year
  • oue Sunday brunchies with Buck's Fizz
  • the bloody Marys in the New Orleans bar
  • when we thought work was so important
  • when we dressed up as Princess Anne and Mark Philips
  • drinking cider at Glastonbury waiting all night for Richie Havens to play
  • that package holiday in Tunisia and the Belgian
  • finishing at 4 o'clock on a Friday and going to the Lea Rigg
  • me driving that car home late one night in Marin County with Jack, Jay's friend
  • Sunday afternoons at the Riverside listening to folk music
  • jumping over that wall in Texas or was it San Francisco and your grazed knees
  • our Jewish breakfasts in San francisco and that great hotel where the Japanese stayed

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Plain Sailing

Gave French conversation a miss in order to get myself organised for a cava buying trip in Spain with Dani and Bryan. Despite the (in theory) increased border controls while the COP21 conference is on in Paris, we sailed through without neither checks nor holdups. Weather was gloriously warm and sunny for the time of year.
Stocked up well ready for the festive season and Paula gave me a good bottle by way of a thank you. Usually, it's a bottle of plonk so she obviously thought it was a good order. Apparently, busness is quieter since the Paris attacks.
By the time the car was loaded it was time to think about lunch so we just went on to the next village and ate in a restaurant that Christian and I have always by-passed. It was good value for the 11€ we paid but not very exciting. Came home by way of the scenic route over the Coll de Banyuls and stopped of in Collioure to buy red wine.
This evening I took the English beginners' group as Margaret is away. We told the time and practised ome Christmas vocabulary. It was more fun than I'd anticipated and I think the participants enjoyed it as well!
18°, Sunny

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Starting and Finishing in the Bar

Had a late coffee at the bar where Marie-Louise treated Martine and I to a coffee as it was her birthday. Afterwards took the bus into town to meet "blonde Anne" as my Mum calls her, for lunch. She was kind enough to bring me a couple of boxes of Xmas cards from UK. You just wouldn't imagine how dear they are here. Had a simple but pleasant lunch at the Café de France.
Spanish in the afternoon and attendance at the Council meeting in the evening. Christian's name came up again. Michel mentioned him in his passionate response to EDF's desire to put wind turbines on a ridge above the commune. Now I don't have a  personal insight into what's going on, this will be one way to keep up to date. Finished the evening with a glass of wine in the bar sitting next to the fire with Martine and Maggie.
16°, sun and light cloud

Monday 7 December 2015

Would You Believe it?

If last night was depressing, reading the paper this morning was even worse. The FN have made a strong showing everywhere coming in first in half of the 13 new regions. cleared my head by walking over to Maggie's to ruthlessly sort the left over stuff from the Téléthon ready for a run to the recycling.
Everyday should hve a bit of excitement and today's came in the form of parcel wrapping for the commune's Christmas trees. If anyone had told me that I would be wrapping up emty packets and the tubes from inside toilet rolls to look like crackers, I would have laughed. still, all in a good cause. Here's hoping that there isn't any rain to spoil our handiwork.
The women's group met for the second time over wine, pina colada and nibbles. Went well with one or two interesting ideas coming up. The two Nicole's, Muriel and myself called in at the bar on the way back, so no telly for me this evening. Heard later that Christian's was mentioned at the AGM of the twinning committee for the donation he gave from his hospital bed for the bus going to Normandy and how much he would be missed. Quite unexpected but good to hear.
16°, sun

Sunday 6 December 2015

Christmas is Coming

Nicole and I didn't linger over our usual Sunday coffee at the bar as we had places to go and people to see. The first Christmas market of the season was on in a nearby village and the first person that we met in the hall was Santa who gave me my first Christmas kiss. I wasn't fooled though; it was Frank under all that facial hair. There were carols sung by an almost totally British choir making for quite a festive atmosphere and I was able to buy my Xmas pud and some crackers. Met up with both Penny and Pauline and a shopping trip to Girona is on the cards in the New Year. Oh yes, I won a litre bottle of J and B whisky in the raffle. Things are looking up.
After the excitement of the morning, I spent the afternoon trying to work out six days' menus for when the family are here over the holiday period.
In the evening, I wandered over to the Mairie to watch the count for the Regional elections and almost got roped in to help until someone said that as not being able to vote, I wasn't eligable. There was only a handful of other interested citizens to hear the depressing news that the National Front had come in first with about 40% of the vote. There'll be a rerun next week with the first three lists fighting it out.  Sadly the "Republicans" who came in 3rd are not withdrawing unlike the Socialists in the same position elsewhere. Let's hope that the Left can pick up enough votes to keep the FN out. Home afterwards for once again a liberal dose of tv.
16°, Sunny


Spent the whole day at the village hall doing the bottle stall. Sandwich lunch in situ, lots of chat, tea and a piece of Christmas cake in the afternoon. Stayed to help clear up and then spent a very quiet evening in front of the telly.
Our stall made 747€ and the village made 16,380€, the second highest total in the Département.
16°, Sun

Walked over to Maggie's to help organise things for our accessory stall at the Téléthon. Then made a trip to the supermarket. Isn't life interesting? Yes, even in the South of France chores have to be done if a woman wants to keep body and soul together.
At the end of the afternoon, I went up to see the release of balloons for the Téléthon, an event organised primarily for kids, But every euro counts so the inner child in me bought one and wrote a wee note to Christian on the attatched label. Wonder where it will finally end up.
15° cloudy

Thursday 3 December 2015

Keeping Abreast of Things

Took myself (or rather Colin and Lynn picked me up at the bus stop) back to the tax office to try and tie up both sides of the channel and my new status. The woman I met was very pleasant but told me that that the best thing to do was to wait until May and the next tax year. It was all a bit of a waste of time though shedid  said I could make an appointment with her and she'd help me with the two returns that I need to complete. That can only be useful even if it does feel as if I'm just putting off the evil day as I just know it's going to be complicated. Bumped into Françoise in the town and we went for a coffee before I got the bus home. Met the exchangers at the bar and stayed on for soup with Ann and Terry. Not convinced that it was homemade but whatever, it was very tasty.
Back in the house, I caught up with the blog before meeting, David, Martine and Maggie at the restaurant for dinner. My dessert was chocolate coated chocolate mousse a bit like an inflated "Tunnock's Teacake" but with the addition of a raspberry sitting on the top. Scots among you will know what I'm talking about but at the end of the day it was very like a breast complete with nipple!
16° Feeling humid, warmed up in the afternoon

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Speaking in Tongues

Finally got to bed at 2am after washing up last night's dishes. French conversation or the "lesson according to Françoise" in the morning. Gave the walk this afternoon in aid of the Téléthon a miss this afternoon in favour of doing Association stuff on the computer and getting my papers in order for my appointment with the tax woman.
This evening I sat in on the beginners' English group as preparation for my taking them next week while Margaret is away. They were telling the time which was fun. Margaret is a hard act to follow; hope I can come up with the goods.
Took this photo on my over.
16° Sun

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Officialdom, Spanish and a Flying Scot

Did manage to get up in time to get to the association committee meeting. Ah yes, my good intentions to keep my nose out have gone by the wayside in favour of my belief that I can get a bit of order back into the organisation!!
After that it was time to put my own affairs in order with a trip to the lawyer's and then into the tax office to get an appointment. From what I could gather from the receptionist's one-sided conversation, the woman responsible wasn't too keen to give me one, obviously thinking I should take a ticket and queue. Anyway, the receptionist kept insisting that I was foreign and recently widowed; I left successful.
There was even enough time for a trip around the supermarket before the bus and as luck would have it, I bumped into Michel who gave me a lift back.
Went over to the Mairie in response to a letter from EDF, the French electricity supplier  who I think operate in the British free market. This philanthropic organisation wants to help us users to make economies. Secretly, I think they want to get me off an advantageous tariff  that they're wanting to phase out. He advised that I should make sure the roof is well insulated and put an insert into my open fireplace. Yes, that may make it more energy efficient but there's nothing like an open fire. My reward for listening to his lecture was the gift of an energy saving bulb and his promise to send me more energy saving tips by internet!
This photo is of the Christmas Angels made from newspaper at the after school centre in the village.
Spanish class went well but progress is still slow.
This evening I finally managed to start working my way through my "I owe you a meal" list. David, who's on a flying visit from Scotland, Nick, Lizzie, Brian and Dani came to sample the delights of my cooking. Maybe, I shouldn't have thrown away so many of those cookery magazines.
On the menu were tapas, cinnamon and lemon pork with couscous, cheese and Delia's Christmas Compote with vanilla icecream. All very tasty even if I  do echo the verdict of my guests. Don't blame me for crowing, I need to get my confidence back after so long of eating out rather than in.
18° Sunny