Friday 1 January 2016

A Chilly Day but the Company and Food were Good

New Year's day dawned misty and chilly. I started it with cold feet and they didn't warm up until I was in bed tonight.
Laure took the wheel to take us to St Quirze over the border which Rowena didn't know. Before that, however, we'd hoped to find somewhere for a coffee but didn't. Our search also found us in a bit of a pickle as rather than go back to the main road, Laure took the very narrow streets of the village. The photo shows our predicament. After trying to negotiate the corner and getting stuck, help was at hand from a gallant young (well younger than us) Catalan bloke who got behind the wheel and did the necessary. Ah well, can't win 'em all.
The monestery at St Quirze was shrouded in mist and with the wind it felt really chilly. Surprisingly, there were a number of families strolling around.
From here we bumped our way up and over the Coll de Banyuls and on going down the other side we found sunshine and a restaurant still open at 2pm, ready to take us for lunch. The people were really charming and there were scallops on the menu which I treated myself to.
We managed back to Rowena's before it was dark; drew the curtains, made a pot of tea before the telly and a G and T later on. Another early night in readiness for an early start tomorrow.
10°, misty with sun later

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