Wednesday 13 January 2016

Ever Present Christian

Yesterday I was on the receiving end of a good deed; today it was my turn to do one and have an excuse not to go to the French conversation workshop. Spent the morning helping James hang his paintings in Christian's room ready for Friday's vernissage. My reward apart from the pleasure of a job well done, for we were indeed pleased with our efforts, was lunch at the Molas restaurant.
Did a stint making paper flowers this afternoon and then in the evening, I joined a host of other villagers in the Foyer Municipal to hear the traditional "Vœux du Maire" which started with André mentioning that Christian's death was a loss to the village then gave a round up of what had been done in 2015 and what is planned for 2016. After no more than an hour of speeches we were let loose on the apéritifs and of course, galettes!
14°, sun and blue skies

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